Our Utopia

Our Utopia

At Luta, we cultivate a utopia in constant metamorphosis. We dream of a utopian city where everyone has what they need and life is delicious, fun and poetic. Access to everything is free, but no one consumes too much. A shopping mall has never been seen – the inhabitants of this imagined territory could not even understand the purpose of such a building… Public spaces for socializing are squares, parks, libraries, which receive public care and movement. Theaters and cinema are places of great value to society. Instead of investing in the production of industrial material goods, which produce garbage and only illusions of satisfaction, the city is full of artistic experiences and unusual inventions.

The main means of transport are bicycle wheels, legs and the mind. It goes a long way… Nature is exuberant and human people participate fully in it, in reciprocal exchanges with plants, bees, fungi, clouds, rivers, fires, soils, etc. It is not known what bureaucracy, police routes, unbridled tourism or overcrowded streets and traffic are.

The roads are unpaved and unhurried, and there are forests everywhere, including in urbanized areas. Walking at random, you can see collective houses, street fairs with local products, art and culture in public spaces, people practicing individual and group sports. In addition to the forests, there are gardens and agroforestry everywhere and in the backyards of the houses.

Utopically speaking, we dream of the deceleration of the way of life. Looking back at mental and physical health that comes about through a purposeful lifestyle, growing organic foods, body health, trading through time (like the time bank), or what have I What do I have to offer in exchange for what I need? The collective thinks as a collective to help itself, escaping from individual accumulations… And the collective includes all beings, of all species and kingdoms.

There are many narratives, books, legends, traditions with images of a perfect world – religious ideas of paradise, literary and political utopias, ancestral futurisms of native peoples and so on. From magical gardens to the end of money, each person’s imagination stretches the limits in different directions to invent the best of all worlds. And you: where does your imagination take you? Within your wildest ideas, what would the ideal society look like?

The first step in building a different world is being able to imagine it. Therefore, we (ourselves) propose this question as a utopian-political exercise. So, the invitation: let’s take a trip to the point of chaos, where nothing is given. Take a deep breath and continue reading with an open heart.

Imagination is free, free from dogma, it welcomes all possible.
There are not just four directions, there are more than 360 degrees around us.
Our mind is an open, vast field, huge fields of fertile land in which every seed or every idea springs up instantly as reality.

We can imagine what we want. Imagine a utopia: what does the best life we ​​can live on Earth look like? Take time to visualize. Imagine your relationships: what are the dates like? How are the people? How is the day-to-day, how do the mornings start? How do we spend time? How do we use space? How do we interact with the planet? How is our bond with nature? How does the job work? How do we produce, create and exchange? How do you function – your body, your mind, your thoughts, feelings, sensations? How do you absorb the stimuli of the world and respond to them? How do you make choices and make decisions? What parts of you are present? How do they express themselves? How does your conscience work? What do you want to know? How do you know? What do you know?

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