
LUTA Utopia Laboratory About us

What is Luta

The Laboratory of UtopiaLutaworks to strengthen the utopias that already happen, here and now.. We seek utopian practices that subvert, in one way or another, the usual capitalist practices and that, by experimenting with other forms of relationship, of production, of consumption, of exchange, show that another society is not only possible, but already happens in the cracks and margins of ours. Luta advocates for ways of living and organizing based on collectivity, solidarity, affection and reciprocity. A life sensitive to care and built on the positivity of difference.


Luta maps social transformation actions carried out by groups around the world.


Actions are observed and practices are described in detail to encourage their multiplication.


The project makes materials in plain language to help publicize these practices.


Nossa equipe também atua para pôr em contato ativistas que podem cooperar entre si.

Utopic Experiences

Have you ever noticed how many utopias happen around you? How many experiences connect people and offer alternative ways of meeting needs, moving services, creating relationships and exchanges? What if these experiences meet and interconnect, forming a network? This is a curiosity that drives the Utopia Laboratory. We intend to articulate existing collectives that propose alternatives to the dominant model.

Utopian practices out there

Luta mapped more than 40 collectives with social transformation initiatives in action in Florianópolis. They work in the areas of education, communication, health, social organization, environmental preservation, production and technology (among others), and mobilize hundreds of activists. Some have already been extinguished, but others remain active for a long time. Luta systematized the characteristics of some of them, such as the Collective Closet and Responsible Consumption Cells. Meet the map with these experiences.

click to know some initiatives.

Brazil, with its deep and historic inequalities, is a storehouse of utopias in action. On the outskirts of metropolises and rural areas, in initiatives that are little known or internationally recognized, the people organize themselves to live experiences of social equality, environmental preservation, and anti-consumerism. See the cases that inspire us the most, in a collection that contemplates the memory of these struggles and some initiatives in action today.

Click to know some initiatives.

Anti-capitalist initiatives acting on the cracks in the system are spread across the planet – from Chiapas to the Bolivian altiplano, from Mondragón to Mumbai. The experience map that we present here composes a world in reverse, which gives priority to people (not money or goods), values ​​relationships (not hierarchies), understands the human as part of nature. It’s human nature resisting the system’s violence Have you ever noticed how many utopias happen around you?

Click to know some initiatives.

How to identify an utopic experience?

To find out if you’ve had contact with a utopian experience, it’s quite simple. Think of a social practice that you are familiar with (for example, a fair, a project, a school, a collective, a community garden…) and then ask the following questions:


Does the experience you are thinking about confront values ​​that separate and exclude, such as individualism, competitiveness and the degradation of nature?


Does it create an alternative way of relationships based on values ​​such as solidarity, affection, care for people and the planet?

Collective good

If more people practice it and multiply it around the world, will more beings be benefited?


If you answered yes to all the questions, the experience you thought of is utopian. These are the experiences that Luta investigates and supports.

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